生産地 | 南イタリア、カラブリア州 |
生産者 | キメントワイナリー |
標高 | 海抜550~600m |
収穫 | 9月中旬 |
内容量 | 750ml |
品種 | マリオッコ100% |
アルコール分 | 15度 |
醸造方法 | ステンレス樽で8ヶ月熟成の後、木樽で24ヶ月熟成。 |
ヴィンテージ | 2017 |
ティレニア海とイオニア海の2つの海に挟まれ、美しい海岸線と山の両方に恵まれた カラブリア州は、エリオロカンダのオーナーエリオオルサーラ氏の故郷でもあります。 過ごしやすい気候を求めイタリア国内でも人気のあるバカンス地域としても知られて おり、その穏やかな気候は作物や畜産にも最適なため、カラブリア産にはトマト、 オリーブ、ワイン、チーズ、豚の加工食品などの特産品があり、紀元前2千年頃から の技術や伝統が現在まで受け継がれています。
Calabria region
Calabria region lies between the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ionia Sea. It also has both seasides and mountains. And Calabria is the home of Elio Orsara, the owner of Elio Locanda. It is popular as a vacation spot with a pleasant climate, which is, moreover, so suitable for agriculture and stock breeding that tomatoes, olives, wine, and cheese are famous as special products there. People there have inherited the skills and traditions from around 2000 B.C.
Chimento established the Chimento winery, which his son Luigi handed down, and now his grandson Vincenzo runs it. It lies about 22 kilometers north of Cosenza and has 15 hectares of land situated at a village in Bisignano with the Crati river on your right. The head office, sometimes used as a guest house, is a beautiful country-style detached house built in the 19 century by the architect Vincenzo and renovated in 2002 by the same architect. He spent his summer holidays there surrounded by vineyards, where he interacted with the poet Vincenzo Padula from time to time. Agritourism, sightseeing with staying at farms, is also one of the appeals there. You can enjoy wine in the place featuring red bayberries, blueberries, and broom, particularly on the Mediterranean coast, which is full of charming hospitality.
That outstanding high-quality is generated in vineyards, the base for the best wine. The quality of vineyards is, that is, to create healthy and natural products reflecting the local atmosphere and characteristics by balancing the current and tradition with paying attention to the stability and essence of various processes or method. As well as traditional Calabrian grape varieties Magliocco and Greco, internationally renowned ones like Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Sauvignon joined to this production area.
Calabria region
Calabria region lies between the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ionia Sea. It also has both seasides and mountains. And Calabria is the home of Elio Orsara, the owner of Elio Locanda. It is popular as a vacation spot with a pleasant climate, which is, moreover, so suitable for agriculture and stock breeding that tomatoes, olives, wine, and cheese are famous as special products there. People there have inherited the skills and traditions from around 2000 B.C.
おいしいイタリア料理を食べたいと思う方をみんなカラブリアにお連れしたいと思っている。天才料理人で あるおばあさんのDNAをしっかり受継ぎファンタジーとインスピレーションで素材を組み合わせるセンスは 天下一品。今年の南イタリアの旅でもホンモノのイタリアを探してきました。
He wishes to bring to Calabria all the people who want to eat good Italian cuisine. He inherited the DNA from his grandmother who was an outstanding chef and has an excellent sense for combining ingredients through fantasy and inspiration. During his journey in South Italy he searched for real Italian product this year too.