

15世紀半ばから始まった大航海時代には、オリーブは海を渡ることになります。まずはスペインから西インド諸島に渡り、コロンブスがアメリカ大陸に到達するとアメリカ大陸にもオリーブ栽培が伝わりました。北米の西海岸や南アメリカの国々に普及し、現在も栽培が行われています。 南アフリカやオーストラリアでも栽培されるようになり、やがて日本にもオリーブがやってきました。「生命の樹」オリーブは、そのたくましさで様々な土地に根付き、今や全世界で栽培されています。

The origin of olive oil dates to more than 5000 years ago.
The history of olive oil in Italy begins in the times of the Roman Empire, when the cultivation of olives was greatly expanded. The Roman Empire used his countries as colonies where it promoted the cultivation of olives. In the Mediterranean seashore the cultivation skills were already well developed and when the Empire border reached northern Africa, they established there the grafting technique other varieties of olives different from the ones naturally grown in the area. During the Age of Navigation that started in the middle 15th century the olives started to be exported abroad. First from Spain to West Indian Island, when Columbus arrived in the American continent the cultivation of olives spread there too.
In the North America western coast and in many South America countries the cultivation spread and is carried on nowadays too. The olive cultivation has been started also in South Africa and Australia and finally reached Japan as well. The Olive, “Tree of life”, with its strength took roots in many countries and is now being cultivated worldwide.

オーガニックで上質なオリーブオイルVilla ORSARA 有機EXVオリーブオイル

ミニシ社の作るオリーブオイルは、日本農林水産省が認定する、イタリアの有機栽培認証機関「ICEA(イチェア)」よりJAS認証を受けています。 徹底した品質管理の元、農薬、化学肥料を一切使用せず完全有機栽培のオリーブを手掛けるミニシ社と、エリオ氏がコラボして誕生したヴィッラオルサーラ・オーガニックエキストラヴァージンオリーブオイル。

Fine quality organic Olive Oil Villa ORSARA organic EXV Olive Oil
The Olive oil produced by Minisci is JAS certified by the Italian organic certifying organization “ICEA”, recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
The Minisci Company, under a through quality control system, produces completely organic olives, without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizer. From the collaboration between Minisci and Elio was born the Villa Orsara Organic Extra Virgin Oil.


The organic mature olives are gently harvested in order not to cut of stress the fruits, that are transported within 24 hours to the company grinder where they are processed, and olive oil is extracted at a temperature that does not exceed 27℃ degrees. To prevent its deterioration, olive oil is being stored at the constant temperature of 15℃ in airtight stainless tanks, that keep it safe from direct sunlight and high temperatures.Also, in order to deliver the product at its best condition, only the needed amount of olive oil is being bottled after receiving the order, creating the Villa Orsara Organic EXV Olive Oil. This Olive Oil is marked by a fruity scent and a soft taste ending with a slight spicy aftertaste.

イタリアの有機認証 ICEA(イチェア)を取得

「ICEA(イチェア)」とは、 Istituto per la Certificazione Etica ed Ambientaleの略で、AIAB(アイアブ:イタリア有機農業協会)を母体とする、有機認証機関です。
オーガニック認証機関としては先駆的な存在で、イタリアで最も広く知られている認証機関です。 ICEAの日本語訳は『倫理と環境のための認証協会』となり、認定基準には使用禁止成分の設定や植物由来原料の使用、動物実験の禁止や動物の命を奪うような成分の使用は禁止、遺伝子組換え原料の禁止や容器などのパッケージの成分に関する規制やラベル表示や成分表示に関する規程など細かな規程を定めた認証機関です。 認定対象となる製品は食品や化粧品などの消費財だけでなく、建築からホテルに至るまで生産者・消費者と環境に配慮した開発を認定しています。 使用原料を規制しているだけではなく、ラベル表記、使用後の包装材の処理までをも考えている点から、環境全体に考慮したラベルと言えるかもしれません。

Italian Organic Certification by ICEA
“ICEA”, abbreviation for Istituto per la Certificazione Etica ed
Ambientale, is an organic certification institute that was born form the experience of AIAB(Italian Association for Organic Farming). As organic certification institute is the most widely know in Italy thanks to its pioneering activity. ICEA English translation would be “Institute for ethics and environmental certification” and represents a certifying institution that determinates detailed rules and standards such as the prohibition of certain chemical substances or the mandatory use of plant-derived primary ingredients, the prohibition of experiment on animals and the use of substances that can endanger animals, the prohibition of GMO ingredients, sets a standard regarding the material used for packaging and boxes and the rules regarding nutritional component indication on product label.
Products object of the certification are not only consumer goods as food or cosmetics, but they include also buildings and hotels, certifying whether the development of the project respected the environment, the consumers and the manufacturers.
Since they set the rules not only regarding the raw ingredients but also on labels indication and the disposal of packaging after use, we could say that their label are considerate of the whole environment.


ユーロリーフEU 有機認証を取得


The Euro leaf certification is a logo certification used in the EU countries for all organic agricultural products, and in 2012 it has been approved by the EU commission also as logo mark for organic wines.
Thanks to the introductions of the EU Organic Farming Logo, we can understand that a logo certified olive oil is a product that has been carefully selected and produced following certain fixed limitations.





He wishes to bring to Calabria all the people who want to eat good Italian cuisine.
He inherited the DNA from his grandmother who was an outstanding chef and has an excellent sense for combining ingredients through fantasy and inspiration.
During his journey in South Italy he searched for real Italian product this year too.


750種近くあるといわれるイタリアのオリーブの品種の中で特に優しい味わいのドルチェ・ディ・ロッサーナ種を90%以上 使用し、残りの10%はオリーブオイルテイスティング協会元会長で、オリーブオイル・ソムリエであるエドモンド・ミニシ 社長が配合しています。ラ・モラッツァ・ミニシ社ではフラントイオ(搾油所)を自社所有し、栽培から搾油、ボトル詰め、 出荷までを一貫して管理しており、高品質な有機オリーブオイルを作り出してます。

Producer:Minisci(Calabria Region)
This olive oil is composed for 90% by Dolce di Rossano variety, whose taste is one of the mildest among the nearly 750 Italian olive varieties, and for the remaining 10% by a special bland created by the company president Edmondo Minisci, who is and Olive oil sommelier and former president of the olive oil tasting association.
The company La Molazza・Minisci owns an olive grinder located inside the company, and directly controls each step of the production, from the cultivation to the grinding, bottling and shipment, allowing them to create of an extra fine high quality olive oil.

